Sarah Shadday

But a Step

“But David vowed again, saying, ‘Your father knows well that I have found favor in your eyes, and he things, ‘Do not let Jonathan know this, lest he be grieved.’ But truly as the Lord lives and as your soul lives, there is but a step between me and death.’” -1 Samuel 20:3 “Then the … Read more

Come Further Up, Come Further In

We recently finished reading The Chronicles of Narnia with our kids. It’s so amazing to see how C. S. Lewis can put so many beautiful parallels to Christianity in his work. Reading the last book, The Last Battle, caused me to cry on more than one occasion and I’ve even read the book before this … Read more

Why do a Trunk or Treat?

We started Trunk or Treat a few years ago at Concordia. We wanted to show love to the children in our congregation. We wanted to provide an opportunity for the adults and children to interact with one another. We also decided to do it because parents told us they use any excuse for their kids … Read more

Pastor Hates Dogs

                Thanks for clicking! Ever heard of the word “clickbait”? Clickbait is “content whose main purpose is to attract attention and encourage visitors to click on a link to a particular webpage.” Usually you’ll see this in the titles for article, videos, or posts. Usually it can drive an account, content creator, or influencer to … Read more

Luther’s Small Catechism For Kids

     A resource pastor and I have been enjoying lately is Luther’s Small Catechism for Kids. This is a book recently released by CPH and one of the few qualms we have with it is the “for kids.” It’s a great resource that could be used in any home.             We loved that most of … Read more

The Jesus Storybook Bible Review

We recently read through The Jesus Storybook Bible. It’s a kid’s Bible published by Zondervan for ages 4-11. The illustrations are colorful and the words are kid-friendly. Sally Lloyd-Jones does a nice job explaining hard concepts in easy to use language for children. She does a wonderful job connecting some of the Old Testament accounts … Read more

Hard Sundays

                I knew we were in for a bad Sunday when we sang Christ is Our Cornerstone. In the third verse, we sing, “Oh, then, with hymns of praise These hallowed courts shall ring.” My child screeched. The timing of the screech was hysterical. My husband and I started laughing. I was literally crying from … Read more

Celebrate Home Review

Celebrate Home was written by Angie Peters and published by Concordia Publishing House. Unfortunately, this book is no longer for sale on CPH but it is available on Amazon. It states that it is encouragement and tips for stay at home parents. It leans more toward practical tips rather than spiritual encouragement. While it is … Read more

Thank You

There are many people who help meet the spiritual needs of the people at Concordia. We have Pastor Gaschler who is called to spiritually care for all at Concordia. We also have the Board of Pastoral Care. They help assist pastor in this monumental task. They can often be seen assisting pastor every week at … Read more

VBS 2021 Pictures

VBS Opening Thank you again for everyone whole helped make Vacation Bible School possible through their prayers, donations, and volunteering. There are so many who helped prepare the church for VBS and those who shared God’s love during the week of VBS. Throughout the week, we learned about how Jesus leads us to the greatest … Read more