Sarah Shadday

Confirmation Thought

Last night, the catechesis students went through the parts of the catechism. They tried to remember what the different parts were and described what each part meant in their own words. This is a great practice for any Christian!

Lenten Devotional

The Israelites were promised a land flowing with milk and honey. The land would be good and fertile. A more than suitable place for their home. One day, Joshua was blessed to lead the children of Israel into this Promised Land.Jesus, leads us to the Promised Land as well. This isn’t a physical location here … Read more

Confirmation Thought

Recently, the catechesis students looked over the rite of Confirmation. Take a look at the words used at Confirmation (page 272 in the hymnal) and in Baptism (page 268 in the hymnal). Do any of them look similar?

Lenten Devotional

“Man ate from a living tree and death came. Man eats from the fruit of a dead tree, the cross, and life comes.” -Pastor Will Weedon Romans 6:23 states, “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Sin and death ultimately entered … Read more

One Year Later

It’s hard to think about what I was doing a year ago, March 11, 2020. That was the day WHO officially declared Covid 19 a pandemic. I was determining the menu for our child’s 1st birthday party. I was debating what to do for cake. I failed three times at making cupcakes and was leaning … Read more

Confirmation Thought

The Confirmation students talked about if we can trust the New Testament eye witnesses. If the writers of the New Testament were liars, many could refute the claims at the time of speaking and writing. They would also be giving up their lives for a lie. Seems like they were pretty certain in what they … Read more

Lenten Devotional

Jesus was baptized for our sake so that we may be connected to Him in our baptism. We notice Satan didn’t leave Jesus alone after His baptism. Satan doesn’t leave us alone after our baptism either. We can still be tempted, sin, and have terrible things happen to us. Yet, God gives us wonderful gifts … Read more

Confirmation Talks

Can miracles exist outside of God? Was Jesus only stunned? These are topics the Confirmation students talked about based on the Case for Faith and Case for Christ (student edition) books. Miracles defy the laws of science, so something greater than science would need to intervene was one talking point. With everything Jesus went through … Read more

Announcement: Overnight Easter Casserole Fundraiser

The National Youth Gathering is in Houston in July 2022. It usually takes 3 years to fundraise for the event; and it is understandable that we have cancelled almost all fundraisers in the past year. Therefore, we are trying something NEW! Easter Overnight Breakfast Casseroles! Casseroles will be created on Saturday, April 4 and refrigerated … Read more

Lenten Devotional

We see a glimpse of what Abraham was thinking as he climbed Mount Moriah with his son, Isaac. “God will provide for himself the lamb for a burnt offering, my son.” Abraham didn’t know when or how the sacrifice would be provided. He was faithfully following God’s command to sacrifice Isaac. We forget Isaac could … Read more