Sarah Shadday

Confirmation Update

The Confirmation students talked about corroborating evidence for Jesus and the Bible. This is evidence that helps confirm what the Bible says. One example, is the word, “politarchs” (city officials in some translations). Luke uses this word but it wasn’t found in any official Roman documents. Eventually, there was a first-century arch that was found … Read more

Lenten Devotional

It can be hard to see God’s grace in the Genesis 3. Sin and death are now at work in the world. God has given out punishments to Adam, Eve, and the Devil. In Genesis 3:15 we see the first mention of God’s plan of redemption. However, we later see a great act of mercy.Adam … Read more

Ash Wednesday Devotion

Ash Wednesday starts our Lenten journey. Many churches offer the imposition of ashes this day. We are reminded that we are from dust and to dust we will return. This is a beautiful outward symbol of our repentance and ultimately our mortality.Yet, God does not desire only outward changes in our lives. God desires sincerity … Read more

A Little Book on Joy Book Review

A Little Book on Joy: The Secret of Living a Good News Life in a Bad News World is a cumbersome title, however the book is not. It is written by Matthew Harrison, current president of the LCMS. I appreciate that the chapters aren’t very long. Most of the chapters can be read in 10-20 minutes. … Read more

Sanctity of Life- IVF

I’ve been thinking about in vitro fertilization (IVF) lately. IVF is where fertilization of an egg is done in the lab. I’ve had friends grow up in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) and continue to proclaim the LCMS faith who have either gone through IVF or lamented the health plans of the LCMS don’t cover … Read more

Risen Motherhood Book Review

                Risen Motherhood is a book and podcast a member of Concordia and a few friends recommended to me. I listened to the Risen Motherhood podcast and it was a nice change of pace. Most episodes are less than 30 minutes. The intro music was upbeat and my little one liked to bounce to it. … Read more


We traveled to St. Louis to see my family for Christmas. Packing to take two under two anywhere is exhausting. We needed two pack and plays, one suitcase for me, one suitcase for my husband, and one suitcase for the kids. Also multiple changes of clothes for each child because who knows when it will … Read more

Yearly Hope

I wouldn’t say this has been the best year ever. I know many people would say it has been the worst. Google would suggest 2020 is a contender with 536, 1520, 1918, and 1933. I don’t need to name everything people experienced or had loved ones experience in 2020. Despite all the heartache I can … Read more

Sticky Faith Summary

Everyone Can Help People By: Read and/or gift Sticky Faith or Sticky Faith for Families Role Model a life saving faith in Jesus outside of church Connect with people of all ages Celebrate and affirm character development Have faith conversations; conversation is a dialogue, not one sided questions Share who you are in Christ and … Read more