
Hope of the Resurrection

With a great range of emotions, we would like to announce that Jesus called our Vacancy Pastor, Pastor Henrickson, into His kingdom of glory. We know the great love Pastor Henrickson had for his immediate family, his Christian family at Concordia, and the whole Christian Church on earth. Even greater is Pastor’s love of Christ. … Read more

Hiring Administrative Assistant

After 22 years of service at Concordia, Becky Lanning will retire on December 31st, 2023. If you would like to join in celebrating Becky’s years of service at Concordia, we are collecting cards for her. On Sunday, December 17th we will celebrate Becky’s retirement during our Church Christmas Party. Please, plan on joining us in … Read more

Rummage Sale

The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) is hosting their annual rummage sale. Some important information to know: Item collection begins September 11th. If possible, please have all donations to church by September 18th. This will allow volunteers to sort the items. All items are to go to Fellowship Hall. Clothes should go to the church … Read more

Tuesday Night Women’s Bible Study

Women’s Tuesday Night Bible Study is taking a break during the month of July.  We will study Donna Snow’s newest book Meant for Good when classes resume in August. Participants are expected to purchase and bring their own books. However, we will have books available for people to use during class.