Biblical Canon
Where does the Bible come from and what translation should we use? Most Christians know the Bible comes from God. To be more specific, the Bible is authored by God. God worked through the apostles and prophets and brought them His Word. He recorded His Word and the significant historical events relating to His promises … Read more
Rummage Sale
The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) is hosting their annual rummage sale. Some important information to know: Item collection begins September 11th. If possible, please have all donations to church by September 18th. This will allow volunteers to sort the items. All items are to go to Fellowship Hall. Clothes should go to the church … Read more
Tuesday Night Women’s Bible Study
Women’s Tuesday Night Bible Study is taking a break during the month of July. We will study Donna Snow’s newest book Meant for Good when classes resume in August. Participants are expected to purchase and bring their own books. However, we will have books available for people to use during class.
Apostle’s Creed Retreat
Jr. and Sr. High students are welcome to join us August 25th-27th as we host the High Things Retreat in a Box. The theme is the Apostle’s Creed. Students and churches from around the area are welcome to participate. The cost is $25 per student participant. It includes: programming, t-shirt, snacks Friday night, breakfast Saturday, … Read more
VBS Registration
We hope to see lots of children at Vacation Bible School this year to learn about how we are covered in Jesus’ grace. Register here! Thursday, June 15th we’ll have our Program and Carnival. We hope families are able to join us for this celebration.