Preschool Pictures

We would like to thank everyone who supported our Preschool this year. Hopefully, you’ve looked on the bulletin board and saw all the fun our PreK and 3’s classes had this year. We would also like to take the time to thank our wonderful Preschool staff: Lori Thetford (teacher), Linda Snyder (PreK Assistant), and Paula Scott (3’s Assistant).

They all do such a wonderful job sharing their God given faith, Christ’s love, and giving kids a good first school experience. They also do a great preparing children for Kindergarten. Their experience, knowledge, and kindness are beneficial to the school. We thank God that our staff has chosen to serve God by using their God given talents to bless the Preschool ministry here at Concordia.

We would also like to thank the congregation for supporting the Preschool ministry at Concordia. Your encouragement, donations, and volunteer work to help at Preschool have been major blessings to what do. We would like to share some of our celebration pictures with you. We know many of you worked to prepare our outdoor spaces, including the Shelter House, and our indoor spaces like the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall for extra visitors. Thank you for all of your hard work!

Here are a few pictures of our 3’s ice cream social!

Here are a few pictures of PreK graduation!

If you know anyone still looking for a Preschool or PreK for the 2024-2025 school year, we still have openings in both classes! Feel free to share our information with them. You can also help us by praying that God sends us the kids that need to be in our Preschool to learn about Him!