Women’s Group


Come and see! We are women of all ages who want to serve the Lord with gladness! God wants each of us to know Him more fully and to use the gifts that He has given us to serve Him in ways that we may not even have thought of yet!

“Serve the Lord with gladness…” —Psalm 100:2

Convention: The LWML Indiana District  Convention is held the end of June in even numbered years while the national convention is held in late June in odd numbered years. At these conventions the Mission Projects that we support are chosen, officers elected and inspirational speeches are given.

District Spring Retreat: Held in odd numbered years, the LWML District Retreat is a time to gather for special speakers and Bible Study.

Treatshop: Held during August in odd numbered years, the Treatshop offers new ideas for programming and ministry. There are also opportunities to share ideas with other societies.

Mission Trips: The LWML offers opportunities to go on mission trips to foreign countries such as Guatemala or Nicaragua. State-side trips are also offered.

Fall Retreat: Each fall the women of Concordia participate in a retreat in one of Camp Lakeview’s modern lodges. While much of the time is spent studying God’s Word, we also enjoy the beauty of the camp, doing a small mission project and simply enjoying fellowship.

Quilts for Lutheran World Relief: We sew and tie quilts for Lutheran World Relief and other missions. The third Saturday morning of the month will find several women at work in the fellowship hall. They also assemble kits for those who prefer to work at home.

Giving Tree: Each year we organize a Giving tree to assist several families in need. We often contact a local elementary school, working with the guidance counselor who provides a “wish list’ from the families. A Christmas tree decorated with specific gift tags is set up in the Narthex and the congregational members who wish to participate select a gift to purchase for a child.

Orphan Grain Train: OGT gathers and distributes donated clothing, furniture and household goods and depends on volunteers to sort and package donations. We spend a half day volunteering at the Jonesville, IN warehouse.

Funeral Meals: We support our grieving families with a post-funeral meal. It nourishes the body and allows family and friends to spend time together.

Confirmation Support: We adopt 2nd year confirmands as Secret Prayer Partners, praying often and leaving small gifts. The Sunday before confirmation, we provide a dinner for the confirmands, their families and the Prayer Partners.

Support for Children at Risk: Once a year we support Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch with sales of Honey shipped directly from the Ranch.

The Mite Box® Based on the Biblical account of the widow’s mite (Luke 21:1-4), the Mite Box is intended for regular contributions of “mites”—offerings above and beyond the support given to congregations and the LCMS. Mite Box contributions amount to millions of dollars that fund district and national mission grants and implement the LWML program.

Lutheran women all over the world put offerings in their Mite Boxes and pray for those missionaries who will share Jesus’ love with those who may not know Him. They pray for those who will be fed, physically and spiritually, with the help of these gifts. At Concordia the Mite Box is placed in the narthex every three months to give everyone the opportunity to donate to missions. Mite Boxes can be brought at anytime if unable to attend the service. The money is then sent to the LWML Indiana District where 75% is used for mission projects selected by the district and 25% is sent to the national office for mission projects at that level.

Advent Glow: Advent Glow is a candlelit evening for ladies reminding us during the often-stressful days preceding Christmas that Jesus truly is the best Gift of all. Held the first Sunday evening of December, we serve light refreshments, have a devotion and special music.

Spring Social: Each spring a fellowship supper is held to provide an opportunity to get better acquainted with each other. A light supper is served by men who volunteer to wait on tables. Spring-themed table decorations welcome everyone and entertainment could be a speaker, musical group or some other form of enjoyment.

Ladies Night Out: Once or twice a year we meet at a local restaurant for the pure fun of fellowship over a meal together. This is usually a Sunday evening. We “mix it up” after the meal to meet/greet/chat with even more attendees.